Xiaosen Li[李晓森]


Xiaosen Li is a senior research engineer at Tencent working on graph data mining and distributed systems. From 2018 he worked as a senior software engineer at TEG-TaiJi on infrastructure for high-performance graph computing, graph representation learning systems, graph database management systems. He has published on conferences such as ICDE, TheWebConf(WWW), ICLR. He also as a PMC & Owner of Tencent's Open Source Collaborative Project in Graph Computing and Graph Database.

Xiaosen Li graduated with a master's degree in software engineering from Peking University in 2015. During his master years, he worked on various research topics including: 1) Data mining and Machine Learning. 2) Data collection and analysis of Internet of Things(IoT). He also did internship at Renren.


Angel:Angel is a high-performance distributed machine learning and graph computing platform based on the philosophy of Parameter Server. It is tuned for performance with big data from Tencent and has a wide range of applicability and stability, demonstrating increasing advantage in handling higher dimension model. Angel is jointly developed by Tencent and Peking University, taking account of both high availability in industry and innovation in academia. It's on github.



《Big Data - The Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Graph Computing Platform》(大数据 图计算平台技术要求与测试方法)

《Big Data - The Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Graph Database System》(大数据 图数据库技术要求与测试方法)




Peer-Reviewed Papers:

Hangyu Zheng, Youhuan Li, Fang Xiong, Xiaosen Li, Lei Zou, Peifan Shi, Zheng Qin Vertex Encoding for Edge Nonexistence Determination with SIMD Acceleration .(TKDE'23)

Youhuan Li, Hangyu Zheng, Lei Zou, Xiaosen Li, Li Ziming, Pin Xiao, Yangyu Tao, Zheng Qin VEND: Vertex Encoding for Edge Nonexistence Determination .(ICDE'23)

Jiawei Jiang, Yusong Hu, Xiaosen Li, Wen Ouyang, Zhitao Wang, Fangcheng Fu, Bin Cui Analyzing Online Transaction Networks with Network Motifs .(KDD'22)

Wentao Zhang, Ziqi Yin, Zeang Sheng, Yang Li,Wen Ouyang, Xiaosen Li, Yangyu Tao, Zhi Yang, Bin Cui Graph attentionl multi-layer perceptron.(KDD'22)

Wentao Zhang, Yu Shen, Zheyu Lin, Yang Li, Xiaosen Li, Wen Ouyang, Yangyu Tao, Zhi Yang, Bin Cui PaSca: a Graph Neural Architecture Search System under the Scalable Paradigm.(WWW'22 Best Student Paper Award)

Shicheng Gao, Jie Xu, Xiaosen Li,Fangcheng Fu,Wentao Zhang,Wen Ouyang, Yangyu Tao, Bin Cui K-Core Decomposition on Super Large Graphs with Limited Resources.(ACM SAC'21)

Jiang Jiawei, Xiao Pin, Yu Lele, Xiaosen Li, Cheng Jiefeng, Miao Xupeng, Zhang Zhipeng, Bin Cui PSGraph: How Tencent trains extremely large-scale graphs with Spark?.(ICDE'20)

Non-Peer-Reviewed Papers:

Wentao Zhang,Yu Shen, Zheyu Lin, Yang Li, Xiaosen Li,Wen Ouyang, Yangyu Tao, Zhi Yang, Cui Bin GMLP: Building Scalable and Flexible Graph Neural Networks with Feature-Message Passing.(Arxiv)






Xiaosen Li | .
